Table of Contents

Without wrappers

When using either Commands or Queries, the result is wrapped in a more descriptive structure that will include the result returned by your controller action.This behavior is not an opt-in on a per controller or action level, making it a cross cutting always on behavior.

If you need controller based endpoints that do not have the encapsulation of the CommandResult or the QueryResult structures, you can use an attribute called [AspNetResult].

The attribute can be used on a controller or a specific action. Once used, the result is kept as is from the action called.

Important note: The behavior of not allowing an invalid state is still kept intact, meaning that if you have validation that kicks in and makes the ModelStateinvalid, both the command and the query action filters will not call the action.

To keep the original result on a controller level, place the attribute before the controller:

[AspNetResult]  // <-
public class Accounts : Controller
    public async Task<IEnumerable<DebitAccount>> StartingWith([FromQuery] string? filter)
        /* Code that gets the data and returns it */

    public DebitAccountLatestTransactions LatestTransactions([FromRoute] AccountId accountId)
        /* Code that gets the data and returns it */

To keep the original result on an action level, place the attribute before the action:

public class Accounts : Controller
    [AspNetResult]  // <-
    public async Task<IEnumerable<DebitAccount>> StartingWith([FromQuery] string? filter)
        /* Code that gets the data and returns it */

    public DebitAccountLatestTransactions LatestTransactions([FromRoute] AccountId accountId)
        /* Code that gets the data and returns it */

Proxy generator

The proxy generator will exclude commands or queries that are marked with the [AspNetResult] attribute and as a consequence not generate any artifacts for the affect command or query.